Friday 18 March 2016

The Term "Vintage"

Jeans- Topshop Jacket - Vintage Shoes- Stan Smiths

I bought this jacket from a kilo sale in Nottingham and I love it so much- reminds me of someones mum especially with these 100% denim jeans. It got me thinking, it really isn't vintage but that term just gets batted about too much. I have had the honour to wear an authentic 1920's beaded flapper dress worth thousands- that is vintage. This jacket is definitely no older than the 90's but it is also called vintage, I think it is probably just old. Lots of people claiming to wear vintage don't really knowing who they are referencing. Most of my style icons come from the 20th century; Marlene Dietrich, Patti Smith, Jane Birkin and James Dean to name a few. It's more fun to examine collections when you know your fashion history to see who has influenced them. The majority have been inspired by the past.

What do you think about "vintage"? Is it on over used term?


Photos by Hannah Gatenby


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