Sunday 2 October 2016

London Fashion Week Sept.16

(All photographs my own)

This year I’ve been to London for my first fashion week. It has been so damn exciting- I’ve had 1 show a day so had plenty of time to amongst the amazing scene that emerges in the street. From the celebrities and bloggers going into the show spaces to the fabulously dressed people and the photographers, it was almost like it’s own little community on Brewer Street.

I took my camera along (pretending to be a photographer) to try and capture the atmosphere. I was also shot by the real photographers there, everyone was great to chat to. I would strongly recommend going down there just for networking whether you are a blogger, photographer, model or journalist- you will meet some really interesting people.

As for the shows, it was my first season I was a little anxious as to what to expect but, again, found everyone to be very friendly. The collections were really beautiful and much more fun than the past few season, to quote one of the hairdressers “We will look back on 2016 as the year fashion went bonkers”. From the catwalk to the street, you can see people are having much more fun with their clothes and it has to be a good thing. Bye Bye Normcore (except for hoodies- they’re cool at the moment).



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