Saturday 21 May 2016

DIY: Gucci Flower Choker

Gucci has paved the way for the past couple of seasons with the Maximalist, Magpie Grandma trend. It's a little bit nerdy, little bit sparkly and all unexpected. They featured a whole host of flower adorned accessories so here is how to make a super simple farbic flower. I've done it onto a choker but you can literally stick these on everything and make them in any scale. Heck, you can basically become a flower fairy.

You will need: some fabric of your choice, Scissors, Pins, Ribbon (or anything to stick it on), Paper, Pencil, Needle and Thread.

1. Make a stencil by drawing around something circular. Make a chain of them on a base which is about 1cm wide.

2. Pin the stencil onto the fabric and cut out.

3. Stitch a running through the base of the circles and gather it up.

4. Fluff the "petals" of the flower up and stitch through the bottom of them to secure.

5. Stitch onto your chosen base- you could also make brooches, hair ties or bracelets. Anything you can think of!



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