Sunday, 20 December 2015

NYC- Eat

From top clockwise-Jacks Wife Freda, Morgenstern's Finest Ice-cream, Egg, The Fat Raddish, Chalait

Here's the first of many posts documenting my planning for NYC. I am going with Uni in January so it will be freezing- luckily it doesn't snow in the shops so I think we will be fine. These suggestions have come from endless guides and blogs I've been reading. Starting with food, here are a few cafes and restaurants I have been recommended- most I follow on Instagram.

I think New York, apart from Paris, has one of the best "trendy coffee" cultures. I love me an independent coffee shop so I will 100% be getting my java everyday. Instagram has made healthy trendy so I am really interested in theses, what appear to be, light and airy casual restaurants. As a pretty big foodie, I want to go because the owners seem really passionate about their business. But there is a small vain part of me that wants to go for the Instagram, but who doesn't. As the saying goes- If you had Avocado Toast and didn't share it, did you even have Avocado Toast?



  1. Oh my goodness, everything looks SO good. Also, this is almost a sin, but I've never had Avocado Toast in my life!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'


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