Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How Much Did That Shirt Cost?

When you go shopping, do you consider where that garment actually came from? I know I don't. You may roll your eyes at this post "another hypocritical, half hearted eco warrior". Well I accept that so far in my life, I know I have ignored this side of fashion and have been swept away by the glamour and beautiful clothes. But this is a growing issue that needs addressing soon. I found a quote that particularly sums it up in the most recent 1 Granary Magazine; "How can you call yourself a contemporary designer when you don't consider the world around you?". I think this applies to anyone. not just designers, stepping into the Fashion Industry.

 I recently watched the documentary about Fast Fashion The True Cost and sat there thinking I know full well that there are people out there suffering for our need to have the latest thing. So I was left with the uneasy feeling that if I, and I'm sure a whole lot of people, know about these awful working conditions in the fashion supply chain, why don't I think about it when I shop?

The term Fast Fashion was coined in 2007 when a garment from the catwalk was copied and put on a coat hanger in the high street in just six weeks. This was fuelled by consumer demand for "needing" it now and we know that brands and companies will do anything to please the consumer. There are endless environmental and social impacts of this. The sheer pace of the production line means that those who manufacture the fabrics and products are under extreme pressure to deliver in dangerous working conditions. Cast your minds to the Rana Plaza disaster. Over 1000 people died because getting the products made was more important than making sure the building was structurally sound. Yes we can feel sad about it but it was the Western World's demand that lead to this. So I ask you, how much did that shirt cost? I could well have cost the lives of person that made it.

I could bang on about specific parts of the industry which are damaging but you would get bored of reading it. Here are some particularly powerful articles that will open your eyes as mine have been:

Now, this is heavy stuff but the Fashion Industry is the 2nd most polluting industry in the world. If it made some changes, that would have a monumental effect for the earth. I think it starts with us, the consumer. As I said before brands will always please the consumer or they wouldn't sell anything. It's going to be a gradual change but we can definitely influence the state of the fast fashion chain. We all just need to be more considerate.



  1. great post
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