Friday 27 December 2013

DIY: Bernstock Speirs Veiled Beanie

A host of bloggers and celebrities have been seen in these beanies, but you can make one yourself for a fraction of the price (the real thing retails at £150)

You will need: 
Beanie Hat
Milliner's net, about 1/2 a meter (I found mine in John Lewis)
1. Cut open the seam at the top of the hat, but only just enough to thread the net through
2. Fold the net in half then bunch the top up to a point.

3. Turn the hat inside out and put the net up through the inside of the hat.
4. Pin the net in place and sew it tightly to the hat. Make sure 
as little net as possible is sticking up on the inside of the hat.
5. Turn the hat the right way around. Try it on to see were the net is sticking up to much and use small stitches to fix it down. Keep trying it on as you do this.

6. Voilé! You have your very own designer hat

Anna x
#NP - Young Love by The Mystery Jets


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